EntryEeze is now open for new and renewal memberships for the 2023-24 year!
The membership year runs from July 1 each year through June 30th. While we will not be taking the ice for a few months, it is important that all regular USFS members renew their memberships before current memberships expire on June 30. This is especially important for board members and coaches, and for any skaters who plan to compete, test, or participate in any USFS activity. Basic Skills (Learn to Skate) members may renew now, or wait until the time they register for lessons.
Your board is working hard on our program for the up-coming year. All new members and recent members will be notified when we announce our plans. If you know someone who may be interested in lessons or skating with us and would like to be added to the list, please ask them to email us at skate@blueedgefsc.org.
Here’s how to renew your membership:
l. Link to the EntryEeze membership system by accessing our website, https://blueedgefsc.org, and clicking on the EntryEeze button on menu item.
2. Under “Existing Members”, choose “Access My Account”. Provide the email address and password of the skater who is the primary account holder.
3. Once you are logged in, on the “Manage My Family” tab, enter or review and update the Personal Information for all skaters. Add any new family members who would like to join.
4. Go to the “Apply/Renew” tab at the top. Click on the blue “View Membership Options” for explanations, and then choose the appropriate membership for each family member. For more information on membership options, review the membership information on our website.
5. For each skating member, you will be prompted to complete some “Additional Information” questions, and also to provide Emergency contact information, and to sign waivers. Follow the instructions, and please be sure this information is up to date.
6. When you have applied for or renewed all family members, go to the Shopping Cart and pay using a credit card. You will receive a receipt by email.
7. We will renew or activate your membership with US Figure Skating or Learn to Skate USA. They will email you when your membership has been renewed or added, and provide instructions on how to print out your membership card. It is a good idea to log on to your USFS or LTSUSA account, review it, and provide the additional information they request – especially parent information.
That’s it! Please email me at skate@blueedgefsc.org if you have any questions or problems logging into EntryEeze.
Happy Summer!
Mary Lee
Membership Chair
Blue Edge FSC of CT